Leave the film on your new tattoo for up to 5 days, or as per time advised by your artist.

After this time, slowly pull the film off in the shower while holding the surrounding skin taut. If it is hard to remove from the skin, allow some warm water to run over the film, so that the adhesive becomes soft and the removal of the film is easier.

You may experience some redness and adhesive residue around the tattoo, where the Second Skin was applied after removal. This is completely normal and can occur with any type of medical adhesive. After removing the second skin, wash your tattoo gently with unscented moody wash and warm water. Rinse well then pat dry with paper towel or a clean towel.

After washing the tattoo apply a VERY THIN layer of moisturiser such as Coco or Shea Butter. Continue moisturising your tattoo 3 times a day until it is fully healed.

Your tattoo will take 1-3 weeks to heal.

During the healing process it is normal for your tattoo to peel and flake, and may feel itchy. DO NOT scratch it! If scabs appear, allow them to flake away naturally.

Once healed, we recommend that you use an SPF30+ sunscreen to help prevent fading and ageing your new tattoo.

Stay out of any body of water (beach, spas, swimming pools) until your new tattoo is healed (7- 21 days).

If you have any further questions about how your tattoo is healing don’t hesitate to email or call the studio contact number